Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ignoring it won't make it go away

Occasionally Brown Dog feels the need to speak out about something larger than his very doggy world. This is one of those times.

What is it in the human psyche that makes it okay to abuse animals? I don't know the answer to that one. So here's another ... what is it in the human psyche of "good" people that makes it okay to ignore animal abuse?

We have screwed this up so badly that the ASPCA actually has a Cruelty Glossary on their website. Here's an example. Before you eat your next plate of veal scallopini, read this:
White Veal: From birth to slaughter at five months, calves used to produce "formula-fed" or "white" veal are confined to two-foot-wide crates and chained to inhibit movement. They are fed an iron-and fiber-deficient diet resulting in anemia; the lack of exercise retards muscle development, resulting in pale, tender meat. Learn more about our efforts to protect animals in factory farms.
And, just for comparison sake, here is the USDA's version of veal "production":
How are Veal Calves Housed?
Today's modern, environmentally controlled veal barns provide for animal health and safety. The barns are lighted artificially and by natural light, and a constant source of fresh air is circulated.

Individual stalls are used for each calf. These stalls provide a safe environment where the calves can stand, stretch, groom themselves and lay down in a natural position. These pens are invaluable to the health of the animal. They allow the calves to be individually looked after. The stall's slotted floors allow for efficient removal of waste.

How are Veal Calves Raised?
Veal calves are observed individually and are provided with specialized care. They also receive a milk replacer diet that provides all of the 40 vitamins and minerals they require.

Veal calves are usually separated from the cows within 3 days after birth, allowing for control of diseases and monitoring the dairy cow for udder problems.

Individual stalls allow veal farmers and veterinarians to closely monitor the health of each calf and properly treat a calf with a specific, government approved antibiotic. Veal farmers monitor each calf for health deficiencies such as anemia. The feed is controlled to meet the calves' iron needs. Health products for use with veal calves are approved by the Food and Drug Administration within the Department of Health and Human Services before being put on the market. The FDA also regulates information on the labeling of the product, the doses permitted, and withdrawal period. 
I wonder how the calves in this video feel about the USDA's take on all this?

Here at Brown Dog, we're going to take Bob Barker's advice and do SOMETHING rather than nothing. No veal ever ever ever and goodbye lattes. Why? Watch the video.

Murphy Brown Dog

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