Sunday, July 24, 2016

8 things you need for your new puppy

There's a ton of stuff you don't need to get your dog for his first day in your home. Here are a few things you DO need to get.
  • Crate; perhaps two if you're getting a puppy and you have an upstairs.
  • A travel crate if one fits in your vehicle. This is the safest way to transport a dog.

  • Food - the same kind he's been eating. After a couple of weeks in your home, change the food if you like but do it gradually over a week to 10 days to make certain the new food doesn't upset his tummy.
  • A bin for his food, large enough to hold a full bag of dog food. Here's why. The puppy in this video is trying to find a way into the two bins of dog food. She's unsuccessful. If these had been bags of food, she would have had a party.
  • Bowls for water and food
  • Leash and collar or harness
  • Poop bags 
  • Treats. I suggest you not buy them from the pet store. If you do, make sure they're not made in China. And like in processed human food, look for treats with a short list of ingredients. Personally, I use chicken (boneless, skinless chicken breasts) boiled, drained and cut into pea-sized pieces. I fill snack-sized ziplock bags with the chicken and toss 'em in the freezer, then pull out one at a time for training. String cheese is a good alternative. Both are healthy and easy on a dog's tummy.
And, of course, you'll want a few toys. But don't go overboard. Some puppies don't care a thing about tennis balls but love squeaky toys. Pick up an interactive toy or two. Here are some of my favorites.

Many more trainer tips are in my book, Puppies chew shoes, don't they? It's available in print on Amazon or email me and I'll send you the eBook.

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